A new year but not new beginnings, yet
Haley Robinson Haley Robinson

A new year but not new beginnings, yet

In a world that values productivity and views burn out as a status symbol, I urge you to take the the time to languish in the beautiful fecund energy that this time of year provides. Your intentions aren’t going anywhere. Neither are your hopes or your dreams.

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What is embodiment, anyway?
Haley Robinson Haley Robinson

What is embodiment, anyway?

An awareness of our embodiment brings us closer in understanding who we are, how we show up in the world, and how we relate to others.

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Haley Robinson Haley Robinson


Death isn’t to be feared. It’s a natural part of our life-cycle and is a necessary phase. For it is in the darkness that we start the all-important transition into a new way of being: a new chapter in our lives, a new understanding of ourselves, new experiences, and new cycles of being.

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Where the dark things are
Haley Robinson Haley Robinson

Where the dark things are

We all have a secret and shut off place within us. A place where we stuff every memory and experience we don’t wish to remember or revisit, a place where painful and uncomfortable feelings get shoved back down as quickly as they resurface, a no-womans land for anything that should dare to even remotely make us feel anything other than good: a desolate wasteland. I call it the place where the Dark Things are.

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Embodying authentic living
Haley Robinson Haley Robinson

Embodying authentic living

Can you think of times in your life when you have made choices or reacted from a dis-embodied place? What were the consequences? With hindsight can you see what the missed signals were, if any?

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Why feeling crap is a natural state
Haley Robinson Haley Robinson

Why feeling crap is a natural state

The good news here is that feeling crap is simply a natural state of being. There’s nothing that we need to do to try and force our way out of it because spanda will eventually move into a more expanded state and our mood will naturally lift as a result.

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The fall of the guru
Haley Robinson Haley Robinson

The fall of the guru

It’s interesting to watch how the power dynamic is changing. Many women I speak to are turning off and away from the ‘guru’ and dogmatic structures, and looking to the earth based traditions that women practiced many millennia ago. Intuition is taking precedence over the words of another and we’re slowly beginning to trust that we, and we alone, hold the answers to our deepest and most profound questions.

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