• Spring Equinox Half Day Retreat

    ***SOLD OUT***

    Sunday 16th March | 10:00-14:00 | Old Rectory House, Kilve | £80 or 2 x £40 instalments


    What you can expect:

    Vinyasa Flow Yoga

    Tantric Meditation

    Sonic Massage (Chanting)

    Breath Work

    Swim (heated pool) & Hot Tub

    Warming herbal teas, cakes & other delicious treats

    Yin & Restorative Yoga

    Yoga Nidra


    Join us in the beautiful surroundings of Old Rectory House for four hours of the most nourishing self-care where we will have exclusive access to the studio, spa cottage, and use of the heated swimming pool and hot tub.

    Our time together will mark the vernal equinox: a time when the day and the night are equal in length. The energy of this time of year brings the official beginning of the spring season and is regarded as an auspicious time to get moving on those seeds of ideas we planted during the winter months.

    This will be a magical celebration of the equinox through the nourishing and healing practices of different styles of yoga, subtle yogic practices, meditation, chanting, breath work, intention setting, and an opportunity for you to take a swim in the heated pool or soak in the hot tub. Oh, and from the inside out we'll be warming ourselves with herbal teas, and seasonal cakes and sweet treats!

    There is an option to pay in two instalments. Please note that payments are non-refundable due to the nature of this event. The final payment is due 1st March 2025.


    ***SOLD OUT***

    Sunday 22nd December | 10AM - 4PM | Old Rectory House, Kilve | £125 or 2 x £62.50 instalments


    What you can expect:

    Embodied Flow Yoga

    Mantra & Tantric Meditation

    Breath work

    Woodland Sanctuary: wood fired hot tub, sauna, cold plung

    Swim (heated pool) & hot tub

    A delicious lunch and festive treats

    Fire ceremony

    Yin & Restorative Yoga

    Yoga Nidra


    Join us in the beautiful surroundings of Old Rectory House for a day of the most nourishing self-care where we will have exclusive access to the studio, spa cottage, and use of the Woodland Sanctuary, and heated swimming pool and hot tub.

    Our time together will mark the winter solstice: the shortest day and longest night of the year; a time when the light triumphs over the darkness. Our ancestors would’ve celebrated it as a sacred time of renewal. The energy of the winter solstice creates a potent space for us to sow the seeds of future hopes and aspirations.

    This will be a magical celebration of the solstice through the nourishing and healing practices of different styles of yoga, meditation, chanting, breath work, fire ceremony and intention setting, and an opportunity for you to take a swim in the heated pool, relax in the sauna, take a cold plunge, or simply soak in the hot tub. There will be a delicious lunch and festive sweet treats along with a spicy mulled apple juice to warm you from the inside out!

    There is an option to pay in two instalments. Please note that payments are non-refundable due to the nature of this event. The final payment is due on 13th December.


    ***SOLD OUT***

    Sunday 22nd September | 10:30-14:30 | Old Rectory House, Kilve | £80 or 2 x £40 instalments


    What you can expect:

    Embodied Flow Yoga

    Tantric Meditation & Chanting

    Breath work

    Swim (heated pool) & Hot Tub

    Warming chai, herbal teas, cakes & other delicious treats

    Yin & Restorative Yoga

    Yoga Nidra


    Join us in the beautiful surroundings of Old Rectory House for four hours of the most nourishing self-care where we will have exclusive access to the studio, spa cottage, and use of the heated swimming pool and hot tub.

    Our time together will mark the autumn equinox: a time when the day and the night are equal in length. The energy of this time of year generates a balance of our masculine and feminine aspects and, in Tantric philosophy, this is called Shiva Ardhanarishvara - the perfect fusion of Shiva and Shakti. This auspicious time of year also leads the way into the 9 day festival of Navaratri to the Goddess Durga; a potent time not only for the worship and devotion of Durga in her myriad forms, but also for us to reflect and embark on new beginnings.

    This will be a magical celebration of the equinox through the nourishing and healing practices of different styles of yoga, meditation, chanting, breath work, intention setting, and an opportunity for you to take a swim in the heated pool or soak in the hot tub. Oh, and from the inside out we'll be warming ourselves with chai, herbal teas, and seasonal cakes and sweet treats!

    There is an option to pay in two instalments. Please note that payments are non-refundable due to the nature of this event. The final payment is due five days before the 22nd September.

“To be truly seen and heard, to be truly known, is a deep human need. Our hunger for it is so omnipresent, so much a part of our experience of life, that we no more know what it is we are missing than a fish knows it is wet.”

~ Charles Eisenstein